Nail care HQ
I’m tired of the lies—and I’m pretty sure you are too.
- Does garlic really strengthen my nails?
- Should I soak my nails in water to hydrate them?
- Do lemons really bleach yellowing nails?
If you search through Google and YouTube, you’ll find people saying Yes and No to each of those questions. Where’s the truth?
A Woman with a Mission
NailCareHQ.com is my mission to help women and men find the truth in quality, personal nail care advice.
I love to research things that interest me… and nail care interests me A LOT! I’ve been polishing my nails since I was 13—over 30 years ago! Aach!!!
I am continually finding a ton of misinformation, myths and old-wives-tales on the internet. I decided to create a place where people could easily find quality information that doesn’t read like a university textbook.
NailCareHQ.com’s purpose is to provide you with all the nail care information you need in one place.
“How do I get my polish to stop chipping in the shower?”
It all started in 2010 with a simple little search in the website, that to me is like a shiny, black Magic 8 Ball, —Google.
Google’s results led me down a two week long rabbit hole! I felt like Alice finding new exciting tunnels—websites, nail blogs and the holy grail of nail art instruction…YouTube.
After 80 hours of research—yep … two weeks, 8 hours a day!—I think I had learned just about everything the Internet could offer me about nail care and nail art.
My Frustration
But I had also lost countless hours to watching videos from teenagers who don’t have a clue how to make decent videos or supply good information.
In fact, some of them were providing completely WRONG information. I’m sure you’ve experienced this too.
I decided then to create a website where you could come and learn everything about healthy nail care techniques that are based in science and actually work!
I wanted to create a site where you can learn the basics of nail art from beautiful photos, detailed print instructions, and high quality, in-focus videos.
Thus, NailCareHQ.com was born. It is meant to be your exclusive resource for all things nail related and a place where you can ask me anything without feeling put down for asking a valuable question. You can always connect with me here or by email: Ana (at) NailCareHQ (dot) com.
Happy Polishing!
Knowledge is Power
I sincerely hope that you, dear reader, and all our fans out there will ask as many questions as possible to get an educated understanding of nails.
Simple Nail Art Tips
I also run another website, SimpleNailArtTips.com and that is from where I base my Facebook Fan Page. SimpleNailArtTips on Facebook is rapidly becoming the community where you can participate in fun contests, while staying up to date with Nail Art News, tips, techniques and tutorials from myself, as well as from other bloggers and nail artists like you. I also sprinkle in some great nail care information as well. A lot of this information never makes it to the website so you’ll want to join us today.