Nail polish that is good for nails
Are the chemicals and fumes in nail polish harmful, and how can we reverse any damage that has been done?
Avoid toxic chemicals
“Most of the nasty chemicals have been removed from nail polish, so you can now wear it for longer periods of time without causing damage, ” says Mavala nail expert Lynn Gray. “Nevertheless, you should still check it is free of formaldehyde (a preservative), toluene (a solvent), parabens (synthetic preservatives) and camphor (which gives a glossy finish and prevents chipping). Unless the polish is full of chemicals, it’s not the long-time use of nail varnish that can cause damage, but the acetone in polish remover. At Mavala, we recommend removing your polish at least every seven days with a non-acetone remover, as acetone can be very dehydrating to the nail plate, causing flaking and weakness. Fingernails grow by 3mm a month, so it can take four to six months to recover from this damage.”